Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It’s Not Mine

Marching with flying colors would make one man to walk in summit of the rainbow. Walking in the red carpet would make one a celebrity. Hanging certificates of honors and recognition with the bold written letters imprinted would make one name to be prominent to all and a feeling of superiority. Sweet and crispy appraisal of the people around him/her would make one’s ears reach the height of pride. Standing oblation would make one walk with his chin up. Nothing he/she sense but the applauding clap and praising lips. These are all devastating thought if the person who is opportune by all favorable gifts would think that honors and praises are necessary to be given to and for him/her as if all his/her talents are all comes from his/her own ability without the help of the other.

Is there anyone in this world who could tell to all that his/her humanity and all his/her strength is just come from his/her own? If has, how ignorant he/she is. How poor his/her knowledge is if the thing he/she knows are all selfishness and boastfulness? They are not learned at all.

How I wish that there are no people who are so much attached to appraisal for himself by other people. Treating him/her idol is his/her great dream. Trophies, ribbons, medals and prizes are his/her riches. Praise and affirmation is all that he/she wants. How pitiful he/she is?

We are just a custodian of all the gifts we have received from the one who has the all attributes which he just shares to us. We are just a vessel of talents that are necessarily to be poured out and used, not only for your own need and gratification but also for all who surround you. It is our responsible to develop. Imagine a glass that is filled with a clean and clear drinking water. If this entity would not be shared of or drank, it will just end to stagnancy that probably even the poisonous mosquito would make it a habitat.

We are just an instrument and means of all the skills and talents for this would be realized and applied to life. These are essentials in life as we are essential to the one who gave it to us. I am not criticizing our attitude of being happy because of the praise of others but the attitude of boastfulness as if we are only the reason why a thing is done. We sometimes do not even recognize the one and primary principle of all our gifts. These are our debts to him but we sometimes act as if the principal causality of all these has the debt to us if we do our part most especially in times that our efforts are being applied and acted. Either if we recognize His presence, we think that it is a duty of that principal cause to give us the necessary support for us to pass these challenges in life. We become ungrateful that is why sometimes we own in ourselves the recognition and affirmation.

While reflecting on this thing, I am being disposed to prayer. I pray that God who is the principal cause of my whole existence would help me to make humble and accept my nothingness if not through his mercy. I am only a medium of His goodness for others yet a gifted instrument who carries the name of His merciful love. I pray that for every good things I had done, I am doing and I have to do, the praise and honor is not mine but to Him. I pray that I should be contented and pleased by being His instrument of mercy. This is maybe a humble thing but glorious crown to be worn.

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