Wednesday, April 16, 2008

God and His Wristwatch

I am looking at the clock hanging at the wall of our classroom. It moves its hands and ticks in a cadence. No one could stop it unless we destroy it and mostly, unless, its principal battery system fails to manipulate it due to disconnection of power.

If we try to transcend from this material clock to spiritual time, we can realize that times moves by its own. No one could really interrupt it except of someone who is not governed by time. This someone must be a being who is eternal.

Time is only an instrument of the eternal being so that those under the roof of time would realize their temporality on this earth. Time is a media to show to us the finiteness of our existence. Time guides us to the journey of growth and maturity. Time teaches us the virtue of patience and hope. Time challenges and makes us ready to enter the gate of eternity.

The eternal being that I am saying is, of course, no other than but God. God has a wristwatch which he keeps on watching. Inside this little sphere in His wrist are his creation especially man. Here, through the presence of time, everybody is being challenged in climbing the mountain of time for them to reach the peak of eternity. God has the power to stop the time anytime he wants. At a click in eternity, time will vanish. At that moment, the finding of God as he watches in his wristwatch through the instrumentality of time, people will be judged according to his/her response to the challenges of time here on earth.

Time is made by God for the good of us. But if we find time as burden, pessimistic boundary and a state of struggle and suffering, these will be just accidental effect due to our negative reaction to its work.

Time is commissioned to bring strength to us to be carried as we step in eternity. In this eternity, life is different. There, is only constant disposition. That is why time is preparing us to be persistent in our life and to humbly accept our contingency to our necessary destiny who is God.

As I said, time is a mean of God to prepare us to eternity. But the other problem is that we disregard it. We are wasting the opportunity which time offers. We just let it to fly away from our changing moment. Opportunity, as in adage, knocks only once. You grab it once or you lose it forever.

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