Monday, January 31, 2011

Time With The Lord

The universe is bounded with space and time
All is worrying how to live the rolling dime
For a man, time is busy like a growing vine
Still they don’t know the sweetness of older wine.

Time is gold, almost everyone believes in it.
That's why the people are busy racing with it
How possibly could man reach its destination
If the time now knows know limitation.

Only one being could cease the hand of the clock
He’s just waiting for the time your own hand to knock
He who knows no past and future but only now
Refreshing weary soul is his unbroken vow.

He’s waiting for you to be with Him alone
He simply want to know how your life going on
Loving Father He is, longing to hug you tight
To share with you happiness and beauty of life.

All have right time, so no such busiest creature
All men have in his heart time for his creator
In the arms of God, you can do miracle too
Because eternity will be given to you.

Trust to him all of your worries, pains and hung-ups
And He will comfort, instruct you and lift you up
Share with Him your faith, hope and love and joy of your soul
And you will feel the greatest happiness of all.

March 7, 2006
9:00 am
Day of Solitude
Under the santol tree

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