Monday, September 29, 2008


The very last words of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Matthew are eternal promise of an eternal presence of Him in the midst of the Church. On that day of Pentecost, Jesus said to the disciples in behalf of the whole Church, “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20b) Through that promise, we are assured that Jesus did not leave and will never come the time that He will abandon the Church. He will forever exist in all the actions of his bride especially in terms of faith and morals. “In order to preserve the Church in the purity of faith, handed on by the apostles, Christ who is the Truth willed to confer on her a share in his own infallibility.” (CCC 889) Through this charism of infallibility, “[t]he supreme degree of participation in the authority of Christ is ensured.” (CCC 2035) Thus, again, “without which the saving truth of the faith cannot be preserved, expounded or observed.” (CCC 2051)
God always puts into consideration our very humanity in his plan for us. He will never give and ask us of what is beyond our reach. What He is asking of us is a work which He is always included in its completion. He is always present as guide that accompanies us towards end. In my own limited opinion, I think this charism of infallibility is considering two panoramas of human condition.
First, He considers the limitation of man in relation to the Truth. Man has no total grasp of it. Thus, through the compassion of Christ, He willed to guide man especially the Church to know the truth of salvation. He is doing this act through his sharing of his own infallibility.
Secondly, Jesus knows that human as we are, demand assurance especially about the things that we are believing. “What makes this something true?” “How does it become true?” “Why should I believe it?” These queries are mere examples of a man demanding for an assurance. Faith must be anchored to the One who is Truth Himself which whom no matter what, this One will never do deceiving and will never be deceived because ultimately in Himself, He is no other than but Truth. Thus, again, to give authority to the Church, Jesus is continuously sharing and dwelling in it as the very source of the Truth. This makes the Church infallible.
This gift of infallibility is given to church for a great purpose. This is not concerned primarily in defining what is beyond its sphere, or could I say, secular. It is for faith and moral discussion. But this limitation does not mean limitation per se of the authority of Christ. It is just a matter of purpose – a degree of purpose, particularly. This is primarily given to Church in defining something which is inclined to the salvific plan of God. It is for a great purpose which is salvation.
Jesus does not want man to be deprived of the Way, the Truth and the Life towards salvation. Thus, Jesus has even revealed His very self just to assure us that He is always with us until the end of time.

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