Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PRO OCTAVO SACRAMENTO: Heart’s Secular Sacrament

I was born as nobody
Having life which is lifeless
O please twist this paradox
By pouring out the water of new life
Through incorporation into your friendship.

I am growing up weak
And just drowning to immaturity
O please strengthen me to get up
To courageously spread again the ripple of love
Just anoint me by the oil of empowerment.

I am searching for nourishment
For sustaining the beat of my dying heart
O please feed me the bread of immortality
And give me wine of sincerity
Just let me dine with you in the candle-lighted table.

I am wounded because of love
I am losing my way back home
O please restore the sound of my heart
Heal me to love once again
By forgiving the hurts and turning it into love.

I am preparing myself for the covenant of love
But there is no one to receive it
O could you be the one?
Could I share to you my love and faithfulness?
Could I hope for a sweet “I do” or a negating “no”?

I am preparing myself for the service of love
But there is no one to be served up
O could you be the recipient of it?
Could you ordain me as your faithful knight?
Could you accept my obedience or you do not need someone else?

I am suffering almost towards death
Because the love that I am searching is no where to find
O could you bring back my confidence in loving?
Could you help me be unafraid to face anything for love?
Could you journey with me to the eternal love?

I almost spend my time searching
And almost losing the light of hope
I almost want to quit
But life sends me the unexpected one
You who are the answer to my sincere prayer.

O my dearest eighth sacramento, visible sign of love…
Please give me grace to redirect the meaning of life.
Could you accept the wish of a dreaming “I”?
O my dearest eighth sacramento, is your real name “LOVE”?
But whatever it is, could it already be “YOU”?

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