Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Battle Today

As we live life on this present age
We are not only facing trials
But greatest battles to be won
Wars today are from within and out of everybody
We face it or forever be defeated?
We do something or forever be stagnant…
And meaningless as we exist?
We make difference or do the same…
But still no good purpose to be done?
Wars today is so great and serious
That requires no more corporal nor private
But generals who have sufficient power
To fight with extreme spirit
The challenge today is not anymore easy
The challenge today is still between good and bad
The challenge today is between body and soul
The challenge today requires explosion of selfish body
The challenge today is to let our soul out ,
The soul which having our very heart
We are incarcerating them within our body
We cannot deny their yearning to go out
When we could learn to listen to them?
And let them handle us and let them guide us?
Do not be worry of dominating yourself
This is really a hard work to make
Pain and suffering are just there
They are natural and sometimes allowed
For us to learn and empower as we go along
Journey is not all smile and laughter
It offers mixed emotion to be encountered
For our humanness be stretched and formed
Letting the soul out requires pain
Our body must be opened and be wounded
For our soul and heart could really escape
We will endure the pain
Or forever suffer ignorance?
Or forever live in immaturity?
The decision is in our hands.
We will answer it now with firm heart?
Or still asking unceasingly question
Without acting the solution?
Do not worry for you are not alone
Many people are on your side
And even them are passing the same way.
Just persevere and be firm…
Be patient and faithful…
And you will know that God is never leaving you…

1 comment:

  1. hi!
    it's pretty nice tugang!
    keep it up...
    how can i contribute to your blog?
    God bless you always and be assured you are always in my prayers!!!
